atlas of (in)visible spaces exhibition
The Cooper Union
The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture
Exhibition dates: October 2 - 25, 2017
Gallery talk + reception: October 11, 2017

The Atlas of Invisible Spaces was featured as an ongoing photography project that focuses on interactions between social and ecological elements, processes and phenomena that are part of our everyday urban existence.
The objective for this series of photographs is to support awareness of the environment in relation to the self, by gathering a sense of what is or could be significant and what might not previously have been understood as such. These images aim to reorient ways in which we move through our urban natural habitat, wherein an infinite number of artifacts, processes and phenomena invite our experience and challenge us to think about our own place in the ever-shifting interactions that contribute to the beauty of every day space.

Four groups of three 15” square photographs corresponding to the four seasons

Two studies for ATLAS panel (above)