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City Nature

The Atlas makes two kinds of things visible: city ground and city nature. These core concepts are related but not the same. Both involve breaking down established binary categories of thought that create blindness.

City nature spaces are invisible because our categories of thought do provide us with the means to apprehend them. They are not city or nature, architecture or landscape, social or natural.

City nature is not less than Nature, even though it is more fragmented.

City nature. Is. Real.

 When people think of nature in the city, they usually think of a park or other green space. Street trees are more or less background; storm water is something to be “managed;” wind is a necessary inconvenience, like other “bad” weather.  Some people

When people think of nature in the city, they usually think of a park or other green space. Street trees are more or less background; storm water is something to be “managed;” wind is a necessary inconvenience, like other “bad” weather. Some people think that there is no nature in the city.